Friday, November 18, 2011

Long Overdue

So, with us being sick, and crazy busy, and add in my extreme lack of motivation, I never posted about our 20 week ultrasound.  So, here it is...

We went in, and as usual I was worried that something may be wrong.  Is this normal for other moms?  It happens to me every pregnancy, so I assume it is, but maybe I am just overly paranoid.  Anyway, Bri was coming in with us to find out the gender, as she will be doing our nursery for us.  See, we decided to not find out the gender, yet we really wanted to have the baby's room be "gender specific".  We chose nursery themes, color schemes, ideas, etc.  We asked Bri if she would like to do our nursery for us, which would mean she would know the gender and we wouldn't.  Of course, she said yes!  :) 

The ultrasound tech was great.  She said baby was very healthy-- something she said a number of times, which made me feel better.  She did all her measurements and picture taking and near the end she made me lay on both sides, and jiggled baby to get him/her to move so that she could get a profile picture.  Nothing worked.  It would have been cool to have one, but that's OK.  We got a ton of pictures of the baby's face and a few of it's feet. 

Finally at the end, she told Eric and I to turn away so that we couldn't see anything.  She explained to Bri was to look for, and typed the gender (then deleted it).  She asked Bri if what she saw was the same as what she typed and Bri agreed-- must have been a very clear/obvious shot!  Now, Bri can tease us and say she knows something we don't!  Poo on her!  Haha.

So, now we wait.  It is kind of hard waiting, I will admit.  On the other hand, it is fun and exciting.  The thought of waiting until the baby is born and having Eric announce the baby by name is something that really warms my heart and I can't wait for that moment!  Then, to top it off, we will get to come home from the hospital to see what Bri does to the nursery!  (She will be working on it while we are at the hospital.)

I can't wait for March! I'm nervous to have two young ones, but so excited to add another member to our family!

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