Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's A Boy!

Yep, you read the title right.  I didn't want to know, I wanted to wait until the birth, but we had the ultrasound tech right it down for us.  We then decided to go ahead and find out since I was 99% sure that it was a boy and Bretton and Eric wanted to know.  So, I was right!!  We are all very excited and looking forward to the day that our son/brother is born!

Other than that, our boy was measuring 10 ounces and as far as we know is healthy!  I have an anterior placenta though, which is what is making it hard to feel the baby moving and making the movements I do feel very soft and sporadic.  The tech said it could be longer than "normal" before I really feel a good amount of movement.  But that's ok, as long as everything continues to go ok I don't mind waiting for the big punches!  Though, Eric and Bretton would probably like to feel some movement soon.

Well, that's it for tonight.  I'm feeling queasy and worn out. 

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